Zebulon Pike to Thomas Jefferson, October 29, 1807


Zebulon Pike to Thomas Jefferson, October 29, 1807
Zebulon Pike (author)
Thomas Jefferson (recipient)
Among the items Captain Zebulon Pike sent to President Thomas Jefferson from the western United States was a pair of grizzly bear cubs. Jefferson kept them in a garden on the south side of the White House for a short time before sending the animals to a museum in Philadelphia.
Public Domain
Library of Congress. View original.
Thursday 10 of AM
I send by the bearer a small box containing pecans which was committed to my dearest by Gov. Claibourne, also a bow and quiver of arrows which are the offensive weapons of the Appaches, a nation of savages who formerly extended from the entrance of the Rio del Norte, on the Atlantic to the Gulf of California and who were the Great ballancing nation of the I. clans, but from continual struggle with the Spaniards, are now reduced to Seven hundred men, but still continue to keep the frontiers of four provinces in alarms and give employ to two or three thousand dragoons They neither give nor receive quarter from the Spaniards.
I had collected a Variety of curiosities of various Savage tribes through which we passed; skins of different beasts and birds of a new species (to me) also various samples of the Industry and advancement of the Arts amongst the Spanish missions or civilized Indians but owing to the extensive & rapid journey which we made by land through the Spanish Country and the division of my party, the principal part were lost or remained behind, but I yet expect some to be forwarded Via New Orleans. There was shipped from New Orleans, for your Excellency in the Brig Neptune Capt. Sheppeard Master, bound to Baltimore a pair of Grisly Bears (mail & femail) which I bought from the dividing ridges of the Pacific & Atlantic Oceans. They are certainly of a different species from any Bears we had in the Antient limits of the United States; and are considered by the natives of that country as the most ferocious Animals of the Continent.
I am Sir with Huge Respect
Your obt servt
Zebulon Pike Capt.
His Excy
Thomas Jefferson Esq
Prest U States